2017 American Indian Horse: Horse of the Americas National Show

Elizabeth Shepard with grandson Javon Dones on Ever After, Joseph James on Miss Domino’s Shadow and Brenda Hall and Susan Beecroft with Choctaw Cactus Queen. Photo by Chris Hurd.

2017 American Indian Horse Horse of the Americas National Show

Indians!  Cowboys!  Mountain men! Saloon girls!  All the characters of the Old West come to life at the AIHR/HOA National Show. This premiere event for the Colonial Spanish Horse, the real horse of the Old West, plus its hybrids and descendants, will once again be held this September 23rd and 24th at the Marshall City Arena, 3310 Poplar St., Marshall, Texas.

The American Indian Horse Registry held its first National Show 36 years ago in Marshall, Texas and the show returned to Marshall 11 years ago after stints in Shreveport, Louisiana, Corsicana, Texas, and Henderson, Texas. The Horse of the Americas Registry joined AIHR in sponsoring the National in 2008. Today’s National winners have a chance to collect titles in two registries.

Elizabeth Shepard with grandson Javon Dones on Ever After, Joseph James on Miss Domino’s Shadow and Brenda Hall and Susan Beecroft with Choctaw Cactus Queen. Photo by Chris Hurd.

Less than 2,300 true Colonial Spanish Horses remain today. These antique Spanish Horses are recorded in the Horse of the Americas Registry and constitute the Original (or “O”) classification in AIHR. No event brings out more examples of America’s First Horse than the AIHR/HOA National. The show is an educational event for spectators in more ways than just the chance to see rare and endangered horses in action. The events are based on historic activities and include authentic Native American and frontier period regalia in its costume classes and speed events like Cherokee Ribbon Race and Firestarter. Even the pleasure classes have a distance type horse judging criterion rather than traditional western pleasure classes.  There is no charge for spectators. Concessions will be available the show.





Not all the horses competing are rare Colonial Spanish Horses. Modern horses like Paints, Appaloosas, old-time Quarter Horses and gaited breeds all can be recorded in the Modern or “M” section of AIHR. BLM adoptees may be recorded in the “A” section of AIHR, and excellent examples may even be registered as “AA” which means at least 50 percent Original type. Even horses with pony blood may be exhibited in the “P” or Indian Pony section of AIHR. Is your horse eligible but not yet registered? Horses not yet recorded with AIHR may be documented at the show before it begins Saturday morning or after Saturday’s show for the Sunday competition.
Classes begin Saturday morning at 9 am starting with the beloved authentic period costume classes featuring Native American and Frontier Period regalia. Next will be the “A” and “AA” halter classes, the “M” halter classes and the Pony halter classes. After the lunch break, classes will resume with the Original horses at halter, followed by the rest of the judged performance classes including the non-point classes like Youth Indian Horsemanship, Trail of Tears (the bareback pleasure class) and the Gaited Pleasure class, a qualifier for the Overall Gaited Championship, On Sunday the exciting speed events begin at 9 am. The show will be followed by the Overall Show Champions awards presentation.
For more information contact Tejas Indian Horse Club president Jacki Moore at (903) 925-5774, Show Chair Vickie Ives at (903) 407-0298 or show secretary Gretchen Patterson at (903) 407-3260. Exhibitors’ packets are available by request at email: [email protected].


