AZ Halts Horse Roundup


Rep. Salmon Lauds Forest Service Abandonment of Horse Roundup

Dec 11, 2015
Press Release

Washington, D.C. — Rep. Matt Salmon (AZ-05) today released the following statement after word that the U.S. Forest Service was abandoning plans to round up the Salt River Horses.

“Wild horses are deeply intertwined with the history of the West.  Earlier this year, when the Forest Service threatened to impound an icon of Arizona history, I took action.   Joined by my Arizona colleagues, we pressured the Forest Service to delay the roundup and consult with the local management groups that already tirelessly work to protect these horses while not interfering with their lives.  I’m happy to see that the Forest Service is respecting both the horses that define Arizona and the will of the Arizonans who love them.”

Background:  In August, Rep. Salmon led a letter encouraging the Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service to consult with local stakeholders before beginning any impoundment of horses near Mesa, Ariz.  After promising to do so, and temporarily suspending plans for the roundup, the consultations bore no fruit.  Just days ago, Rep. Salmon led a second, bipartisan letter to the Forest Service again requesting their respect of Arizonans’ rights in light of the looming deadline.  Today, it was announced that the Forest Service is terminating plans for the roundup.

Rep. Matt Salmon (AZ-05) serves on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific. He is also a member of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.
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