Iowa Equine Needs Assessment Survey

Dear Equine Owner,
The Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Equine Program is conducting a statewide Equine Needs Assessment Survey to identify the educational needs of the local equine community. You will be asked to check topics you would like to learn more about. Additional questions will focus on program formats and resources you are most interested in.
ISU Equine faculty and staff will use the survey results to develop effective, science-based, equine education programs and resources aimed at improving the management and enjoyment of equine.
This survey is completely voluntary and anonymous and should take about 15 minutes. You may skip questions you are not comfortable answering and withdraw from participating at any time. Your responses will not be linked directly to you by name as all data will be combined. All responses will be used in summary form only. Thank you for your participation.
Can you forward the information to horse project leaders in your county or area?
Thank you for your helping us continue to improve the Iowa equine industry.
Peggy Auwerda
Iowa Equine Extension and Outreach Specialist