Topic and Speakers Announced for AHC’s 4th Quarter Webinar 


Topic and Speakers Announced for AHC’s 4th Quarter Webinar 

Tax Reform and its implications to be discussed


(Washington, DC)- The AHC is pleased to announce the topics and speakers for its 4th Quarter webinar, which will take place Monday, November 13th at 3:00 pm ET.


“Will the grass be greener on the other side of Tax Reform?” will be the focus of the webinar, and will feature speakers Danielle Beck, Director of Government Affairs for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA); Liz Minneman, Senior Legislative Assistant to Congressman Andy Barr (KY-06); and Alex Waldrop, President & CEO of the National Thoroughbred Racing Association (NTRA).


“The equine industry and its partners in the agriculture and small business sectors continue to engage Congress and the Administration on key elements of the GOP’s ‘unified framework for tax reform’ that was released on September 27,” said AHC President Julie Broadway. “We felt it was important to provide the industry with some detailed background information as to how this plan will affect them or their business, as well as get insights from other segments of the agriculture industry and Capitol Hill itself.”


Danielle Beck serves as NCBA’s Director of Government Affairs and is the lead lobbyist for a broad policy portfolio, including all legislative and regulatory issues pertaining to tax and credit, nutrition/dietary guidelines, food safety, research, energy and disaster assistance. Danielle also oversees NCBA’s annual appropriations strategy and is the staff liaison to NCBA’s Tax & Credit Policy Committee. Prior to joining NCBA, Danielle represented clients across the food and agriculture sector as a lobbyist for The Russell Group. Before that, she spent five years on Capitol Hill working for Congressman Tom Rooney (R-FL), where she managed his work on the Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee and House Agriculture Livestock Subcommittee Chairmanship.


Liz Minneman is Senior Legislative Assistant to Congressman Andy Barr (KY-06) where she handles the Congressman’s tax, health care, housing, and labor portfolios. Prior to coming to Capitol Hill in 2016, Liz was a research associate in economic policy at the American Enterprise Institute, focusing on health care and labor issues. She is a 2015 graduate of the University of Virginia where she earned a dual degree Bachelor’s in American Government and a Master’s Degree in Public Policy. She has contributed to publications including The OECD Journal on Budgeting and The Economist, and has made media appearances on Fox News and Al Jazeera.


Alex Waldrop is President & CEO of the NTRA, where he leads the Thoroughbred industry’s national office responsible for matters pertaining to federal legislative advocacy, racing safety and integrity, marketing and promotion of the sport, group purchasing and management of issues of national significance to Thoroughbred racing. Mr. Waldrop is Chair of the Racing Medication and Testing Consortium Board of Directors, a Trustee and Treasurer of the American Horse Council, and Chair of the American Horse Council Racing Advisory Committee. Mr. Waldrop spent 13 years with Churchill Downs Incorporated, as President and General Manager of Churchill Downs Racetrack from 1999 to 2002, as General Counsel from 1992 to1998, and as senior vice president, Public Affairs from 2003 to 2004.   He is also a former equity partner in the Louisville office of Wyatt Tarrant & Combs where he was the Chair of the firm’s Equine, Gaming & Entertainment Practice Group.


The webinar is open to both AHC members and non-members—we encourage everyone to attend! To register for the webinar, please click here. The webinar lasts approximately one hour, and will allow for Q&A at the end of each speakers presentation. If you have any questions, please contact Ashley Furst at[email protected]. We look forward to having you join us for our final 2017 webinar!