Become a volunteer at European Championships for Ponies. The recruitment goes on!

Become a volunteer at European Championships for Ponies.
The recruitment goes on!
Strzegom, Poland, 12 March 2019: Are you an equestrian fan, are you full of energy and sporting passion? Don’t miss the chance to submit to Volunteers’ Programme for European Championships for Ponies that will take place in the middle of August in Strzegom, Poland. The recruitment continues until the end of April.
The success of any big sporting event is always built around a team effort with the significant input of numerous volunteers. – To ensure everything works smoothly and efficiently we need over 100 volunteers to help– says Agnieszka Mossakowska-Knast, Volunteers’ Programme Coordinator. – There are various roles and many tasks to be undertaken during the Championships, so volunteers of all abilities, experience and all ages should apply. If you like contact with people, you are open to new challenges and you can work with dedication and enthusiasm- we need you!
To join us all you need to do is to fill in application form in
Volunteers are required for: Organizers Office, Press Office, Info Points, Service Points, IT service. We also need stewards, scribes and fence judges as well as people to help in the stables area, at the dressage and show jumping arena, with posters and leaflets distribution, transfer to/from the airport amongst many other activities.
The Organizers provide insurance, free space in the camping area and two meals each day.
– Taking part in our Programme not only gives the opportunity to be involved backstage at a great sport event, you will acquire experience and find new friends. It’s also the satisfaction of helping out, being part of a team and simply having a greattime – sums up Agnieszka Mossakowska-Knast.
The recruitment will be open until 27th April. Rules and application form are available on the official website
Photo: Leszek Wójcik