Gay Polo Heads South for Inaugural International Tournament in Argentina

Gay Polo Heads South for Inaugural International Tournament in Argentina

BUENOS AIRES  – Gay Polo League (GPL) is moving to the main stage this month, hosting its first international tournament in Argentina, the mecca of polo, from December 7-9.

A United States Polo Association designated polo club, GPL celebrated its tenth anniversary this year. The organization is widely known for its flagship event, the Annual International Gay Polo Tournament, which is going into its eighth year. But now, its time to take things to the next level.mj-christmas-300x100-ad-16

“The vision of the Gay Polo League is to create and produce international gay polo
tournaments around the globe,” explains Chip McKenney, President and Founder of GPL. “Holding the Gay Polo tournament in Argentina provides us an enhanced opportunity to help raise the profiles of athletes who are out, gay and proud. This is our first international event outside of North America, and we chose Argentina for several
compelling reasons: Argentina is the mother-country of polo, where the best of the best
play; and Argentina is a very LGBT friendly country, with a large LGBT community.”

GPL’s Founder and President, Chip McKenney.
Photo: David Lominska/

GPL has gained the attention of many renowned figures in the polo world, and their
support further encouraged McKenney to take the project abroad. “The moment
Eduardo Heguy, four-time winner of the prestigious Argentine Open and one of the top
players in the world, offered to help us with an event in Argentina, we knew we had to
make this happen!”searching-frank-hopkins

Three teams from around the world, each composed of three LGBT players and one pro, will compete in the inaugural GPL tournament in Pilar, hosted by members of the
prominent Heguy family. “This will be an incredible experience for our players to work
with and learn from absolute legends of the sport,” stated McKenney.

Rafik Boughadoui and Masha Zaporozhets.
Photo: David Lominska/
The GPL will kick off on December 7 with practice matches at the Heguy’s private polo
facility in Pilar, and league matches take place December 8. The public is invited to

watch the finals on December 9, at 4 pm, at Bautista Heguy’s Chapa Uno Polo Club in Pilar. The following day, participants will attend the final of the 123rd Argentine Open and join the after-party in Buenos Aires. “We are looking forward to lots of great polo, camaraderie, food and fun,” says McKenney.

– Tomas Heguy (PRO), Chip McKenney, Michael Sahakian, TBC
– Matt Perry (PRO), Masha Zaporozhets, Phil Tremo, Tim Lewis

– Andres LaPlacette (PRO), Stacie Simpkins, Mark Bennett, Severance MacLaughin

About Gay Polo League:
GPL has positioned itself on the forefront of human rights. Its mission is to inspire and
empower individuals who identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender through the promotion of and participation in the sport of polo and other equestrian-related sports. The organization strives to create an atmosphere that affirms and supports the understanding and acceptance of all individuals regardless of age, race, sex or sexual or gender identity and works to promote goodwill and camaraderie in the community. For more information, visit


